Statement Of Intent
The combined activities of Vestas aircoil are dedicated to the development and consolidation of sustainable business.
It is always the strong intention of Vestas aircoil to pursue this dedication with due respect for the people we employ, the people and companies we decide to co-operate with, and the societies and environments in which we operate.
To guide and govern our activities we have defined a set of generic rules. These rules apply to all our internal activities, and where applicable also extend to the suppliers we co-operate with.
We refer to this set of rules as the Vestas aircoil Code of Conduct.
Acknowledging the fact that Vestas aircoil is established in different regions of the world, we also understand and respect that different societies represent different levels of awareness and protection of people and resources.
The Vestas aircoil Code of Conduct supports our global representatives and partners in maintaining integrity in their decisions. It also gives them a framework to continuously guide activities of improvement.
Michael Døj,
Chief Executive Officer.